182 | What Goes Into Creating an Oscar-nominated Animated Short?: WAR IS OVER Chat, Part 1

This year, one of the most talked about Animated Shorts at this year's Oscars is WAR IS OVER. The project, inspired by the Music of John and Yoko, is an 11-minute animated short featuring the 50-year-old classic song Happy Xmas (War Is Over), set against the backdrop of WWI.

Today, we welcome three of the shorts' brilliant creators: Pixar alum and Oscar®-nominee Dave Mullins, Golden Globe®-Nominee Brad Booker, and co-writer Sean Ono Lennon who executives produces alongside his mom, Yoko Ono.


183 | How The Animated Film Industry Is Changing (And Why That Matters Creatively): WAR IS OVER Chat, Part 2


181 | Nimona Co-Writer Lloyd Taylor On The World Of Animated Feature Films