41 | Your Screenwriting Emergency Toolkit

Feeling blocked, stuck, uninspired, or just BLAH? We're here to save the day!

We were initially going to run an episode on boundaries (don't worry, we still will!) but a NUMBER of hurdles interfered with our ability to make that happen, so our intern Jess pitched a great idea to cut together a greatest hits "emergency" toolkit compilation to get you though this week! If you LOVE a highlight and want to listen to the full episode, here are the past episodes we compiled from:

Episode 9 - How to overcome writer’s block

Episode 14 - Outlining/Chunking In Your Writing

Episode 20 - Importance of play

Episode 21 - Overcome Excuses

Episode 24 - Perfectionism kills your writing

Episode 29 - The Long Road For Writers

Thank you to Jess Fisher for assembling this episode!


42 | Rookie Mistakes & The Power Of Genre (Sheila Hanahan Taylor Pt. 1)


40 | Marti Noxon On TV Writing (EVERYTHING You Need To Know)