52 | Screenwriting: The Joys, The Rage, The Legacy

Writing isn't just about craft and science. It's about translating the highs and lows of being a human being into art, and that journey can be a roller coaster, whether you're an emerging writer or a seasoned pro.

Speaking of seasoned pros, today, we ask them those tricky questions: what brings you the most joy about writing, what pisses you off about writing, and what scene do you want to be remembered by.

The guests, in order of appearance:

John August - Episode 35

Andrew Stanton - Episode 39

Marti Noxon - Episode 40

Sheila Hanahan-Taylor - Episode 43

Javier Grillo-Marxuach - Episode 46

Michael Arndt - Episode 49

Vanessa Taylor - Episode 51


53 | Honor Your Calling As A Creative & Screenwriter (Create Out Loud w/ Jen Louden)


51 | Vanessa Taylor On Non-Verbal Storytelling Secrets